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They will deal with it. But will you survive the separation?


Thankfully, we paid alittle extra to have our tree delivered and taken away this year. The guy had to saw it into the manageable chunks himself!

I miss my tree - it was silver and white, and twinkled. Loved it. The gap we made for it is unfilled, and next year I might just do the same as you!

Nancy Mitchell

We still have our decorations up too. However, I don't feel too weird about it considering it went up on December 16. (We had a late start this year)

I'm stealing your glass icicles idea for next year. I'm in the process of getting rid of many of my decorations in exchange for new ones. It seems as though I have a mish-mash of decorations and many of them aren't my style at al. But, the icicles sound perfect.

Margy Rydzynski

Ha ha! Love it. I also hate taking them down, but more because I'm lazy than anything else.

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