It's February 8th, do you know where your resolutions are?
They were here just a few days ago, look under the bed. Can you see them?
Check the kitchen, maybe they're taped to the refrigerator?
I know! They're written on the bathroom mirror (in lipstick)!
Go check now. I'll wait.
I can't tell you where your resolutions are, but I can tell you where a lot of other people's are not: they are not at the gym.
How do I know this? Well, I've been watching from my lofty, awkward, sweaty perches - the stepmill, the Arc Trainer, the AMT 100i (hello Lover) and I haven't seen any Resolutionists in days. Four weeks ago I had to come to the gym early and stalk my equipment. Two weeks ago I simply had to come early. Today I was right on time and the gym was nearly empty.
Where did all the newbies go?
Starting each January, and for approximately 25-35 days, there are new people wandering around my gym (yes, it's mine), eyeing the machines as if preparing for a round of Duck Duck Goose. Uncertain but willing, they want to do something, but what? Is that an elliptical? What are those cables for? Oh good there's a treadmill, I think I can do that.
Although I mock them now, I didn't mock them then. (Well if I did it was only a little, because it was kind of funny to watch them approach each machine as if it might attack them*). But I was also glad for them. Because they were there. Yes, they were clogging up the gym and slowing down my workout, but they were in the gym trying to start the new year off on the right foot. To get fit or strong, or thin, or my personal favorite, simply trying to look good naked. They had taken the first steps. They were present and they were dressed for action. They brought water bottles, iPods, headbands and lots of towels. They were wearing (and this is the biggest giveaway) brand-spankin' new sneakers. They knew the resolution odds were stacked against them but they were trying anyway.
For about a month.
At which point they became a statistic.
And while this is all good for me, since newbies are kind of a pain at the gym and I really hate crowds, I do wish they'd change their minds for their own sakes. We Americans are getting collectively heavier every year and frankly we just can't afford it. Despite the advertiser's bullshit, no one is asking for America to be thin, just a little more healthy. We can manage that, can't we?
The fact that Sara Palin chooses dessert over health care as an American right while Michelle Obama plants vegetables at the White House, is a clear show of good versus evil. You already knew that Sara Palin is the devil, right?
Here is what I hate most about resolutions: there is this sense that once you fall of the resolution wagon, once you've officially broken your resolve, you're off the hook for a whole year. You'll try again next January. I hate resolutions because they draw a line in the sand and if you miss it, it's over. Which is the most ridiculous thing ever. No one is saying you should never eat dessert again. No one is even saying you have to like kale (although it is quite delicious, especially with bacon). There is no need to invoke extremes of any kind in order to win this game.
Taking care of oneself is the right thing to do any time of year. Like now. Now would be a great time for you to take better care of yourself. There are loads of benefits, not the least of which is that you're likely to live longer and have a better quality of life as you do it. Which is nice for me because I want you to live a nice long life (and it's so tedious to listen to you complain about all of your little aches and pains). And if you die early because your heart gave out, I'm gonna be pissed.
So here's a tip: remember how crowded and awful it was at the gym? Well it's not like that now because the Resolutionists are gone. You'll have plenty of room. And if that's not your thing, go for a run instead. Or a walk. Just try, try again.
But don't let jerks like me keep you from the gym. I promise that if I see you coming to the gym for longer than 30 days (no, you don't have to come every day), I'll smile a warm greeting and be nice. But no talking please, I hate chit chat at the gym.
I'll even show you how those cables work.
*truth be told, there are some machines that might attack - the versa climber for example, is deceptively simple, soulless and cruel.