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Little Odd Me

Oh! I so agree. I've just started going to the gym again, and it has nothing to do with the time of year, it's got more to do with feeling settled and less stressed at my new job, ergo more energy.
From this next week I'm setting my alarm and going in at five am when the gym opens. Because no resolutionist seems to manage that, but they do seem to manage to swarm right up to closing time. Booooo!


[this is good] LOL...And happy new year to you and the family.


Thank you, sister. I've said this for years. ::enter rant::"Resolution," my arse. Make goals, working towards them. If you need to wait til a Monday to start something or if you need to wait til 1 Jan, you will never, ever do it.STFU.I fail all the time; I don't need a Monday or the first of the year to do. I succeed all the time, too. Limiting yourself is an excuse.This is different from people who use the end of a year, decade, week what-have-you for introspection and drawing up grand lists that they do a pretty damned good job of ticking off -- if you're one of those people, then you know exactly what Karen is talking about (even if it doesn't pertain to the gym).It's for people who don't care to set actual goals and do the work beyond 2 days to 2 weeks. I'm a bitch and I'm right. Lie to everyone else but lying to yourself? Beyond sad.


So start running, and keep up with it until February when the Resolutionists burn themselves out. Think of it as a compromise rather than a resolution. If you do it with an end date in sight, then it's not quitting or giving up when you stop. You're just cross-training.


Oh my god. I just got back from the gym, and oh my god. I know you warned me, but I didn't expect 24 Hour Fitness to be mobbed at 10:30 on a Wednesday night. I managed to get a treadmill, but that's only because I spent an extra five minutes stretching while I waited for someone to stumble off.This is downtown Oakland, and our notion of nouveau gym fashion is a little bit different than leotards and headbands, but other than that your description was spot on. I saw several guys just sitting on the equipment looking around. One was using a rowing machine, but at a setting where I was sure I could have done his workout using only my pinkies. Guys were grunting and yelling as they lifted, because if they saw it on TV it must be the right way to do it.I'm not sure which was funnier, the guys using way too much weight or the ones using way too little.How long until it returns to normal? Two weeks? Three?


I'm so sorry, I would have bet that 10:30pm would be pretty safe on any day of the week.
Expect about half of them to drop off in February, the rest in March. As soon as the weather gets nicer, they'll forget all about the gym.

Kapolnek Family

I have never understood the resolution thing. It is another day on the wheel. Not a beginning, not an end. Make the best of your day, your life, your future, every single day of your life. They are is sad really. But I do hope theyare out of our way soon.


For what it's worth, I couldn't identify a single obvious Resoluationist at the gym last night. Yay!


There are less of them at my gym too. The "I'll exersize before I go to work" crowd has really thinned out but the "I have nothing else to do at 10am" crowd is still bigger than normal. Maybe they'll actually stick with it...
The other day Xav and I had a good laugh at two guys sitting side by side on recumbent bicycles. One had a paper. The other was watching TV. Neither was pedaling.


About two weeks ago I saw a couple come in, spend less than five minutes on an elliptical, and then leave.They did it again a few days later.


You think they told each other "wow, working out is so hard! I'm really tired!"
They'd be better off saving their money and walking a couple of blocks around the house.


I saw a new Resolutionist trick tonight. I caught not one, not two, but three different people lifting then flexing and checking themselves out in the mirror.Maybe this is what they do after six weeks? And when they don't look like Ahnold, they get disgusted and quit?

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