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Aww, poor guy, give him a squeeze for me!

Candy Sparks

aww puppy...



the inflatable one does looks a little less alienating. Unfortunately some dogs have to use the old fashion collar because they are much more aggressive at trying to scratch at the injury/stitches. The large bulky plastic collar cuts down on their ability to use furniture and/or other things to scratch what their paws can not reach. I hope your puppy/dog feels better soon.


Moby has those knobs growing near each eye and we've been hesitant to take them off because of the whole old dog + anesthesia risk thing. Good to see what it looks like and thanks for the tip on the donut thingy.
We also had his teeth cleaned and one extracted (once, for the same reasons above), and that was a good thing even though it has turned him into a hillbilly dog.

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