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Little Odd Me

Awesome story! ( yes I couldn't resist the story. I managed to resist the Bee Gees link, though. :P )


[this is good]

Steve Betz

[this is good] Great story! Though I probably shouldn't thank you for having "ahh ahh ahh ahh stayin' aliiiiiiiiiiiive" running through my head this morning... ;)


Thanks! That was educational in a way you didn't intend-- for the first time in my life, I know what the lyrics to that song say. I've always found them largely incomprehensible.


[this is good] amazing. i'll never forget this.


[this is good] "Another One Bites the Dust."??I'd go for that one, ANY DAY.


[this is good] thanks for sharing this, I would have never thought of that as a way to help time the pace of CPR. It is kind of creepy that doctors would use a tune with such a negative title, lol.

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