I know you're all dying for an update on the ant farm so here it is. First, the ants Uncle Milton sent are Harvester ants. That means not only do they bite, but they also sting. (Two for the price of one!) Before you can move them from the mailing tube to the ant farm you have to put them in the fridge to "calm them down." Yep. They're big and they're mean.
After they moved in they began to survey the landscape. They totally ignored the holes I obediently drilled for them, preferring instead to bury the guys who didn't survive the trip through the US postal service. I didn't see them perform a ceremony, but they have been very diligent in taking care of the dead pile. Someone is usually over there, moving heads and other body parts around the gel. I confess it kinda creeped me out to see a head being carried around in some guy's mandibles.
That's group number one, the morticians.
The second group are the executives. They are always in a meeting - the world's longest stand up meetings. It's possible that this is actually a corporate off-site. Or perhaps, since they lack a queen to boss them around and keep things organized, the meeting is just running long. It is illegal to sell queens for obvious reasons, I think. I mean there are people who release pythons into the Everglades and alligators into the sewers, why not release a few million Harvester ants into the backyard, especially after they have overrun their little gel box, right?
The third group is the most interesting. They are in charge of construction. They turned their collective noses up at my holes and instead are busy making their own tunnels - just like it shows on the box. I just love it when things turn out like the picture on the box. I think I can count the number of times this has actually happened on one hand.
This ant farm is turning out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be - and for all of us. I bet you're thinking that we need to get out more and you're probably right. But if you get an ant farm I bet you'll be watching them too. They're nasty little hard working buggers.
If anyone actually drops that plastic box we're going to have a couple dozen biting stinging giant ants running around the kitchen. How much fun will that be?