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Cool. Thanks for posting this.


i'm listening now, this is interesting.

It's Come To This...

[this is good] Normally, I would have loved this. But, having just been on a 'depression era' bender w/ the G'ma's... I kind of feel like throwing caution to the wind and NOT reusing the papertowl. ; ) (Seriously though, thanks for posting this, Karen).


I would have thought it to be higher or even $600 per person. It is truly amazing how much Americans take for granted, but what is encouraging is how many more Americans are not taking things for granted. We can also look on the bright side and notice here in California just how many hybrids and Electric Vehicles there are on the roads and just how cool it is to be an owner/driver of them. Things are getting better in some areas too! So smile :-).-Scotty


[this is good] Thanks so much for sharing this. What an interesting area of research for an anthropologist. :)

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