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Nice post!


so glad to see you write about this, karen. as your mom, yeah, i guess my reaction to your near-death experience was a little more complex than "wild." :-)
BUT. as for vilaubi and the trip of a lifetime heoffered you and your classmates -- i always thought that was an amazing and invaluable opportunity for you. i campaigned to encourage your grandmother that it would be a terrific graduation gift, as you remember, and she would be sohappy to know that it still means so much to you even now.
we were, though, all very glad you made it home in one piece! yes -- no denying that!


Wow, Karen, what a story. I'm glad you made it through in one piece too!


I too am glad that you made it through this experience with only memories - that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger - now, was it Worf who said that, or some old latin guy?

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