Every good drama needs an epilogue and the World Cup is no exception. Luckily, the French have a great capacity to laugh at themselves (and anyone else who happens to be in the way) and a couple of guys have come up with a very danceable song parody for the Zidane head-butting incident. Of course a song wasn’t enough. They also needed a video:
Cute, you say, but I don't speak French. What the hell are they saying?
Here are the french lyrics (with a little translation on the side)
Coup de Boule (Head butt)
Attention c'est la danse du Coup de Boule! (Watch out, it's the head-butt dancing song!)
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à droite (head butt to the right)
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à gauche (head butt to the left)
Coup de boule, coup de bouleAllez les bleus! (Go Blues)
Allez, (Go!)
Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (Coup de boule!)* 4x (Zidane he struck, Zidane he hit)Le rital, il a eu mal (The wop he got it bad)
Zidane il a frappé (Zidane struck him)
l'Italien ne va pas bien (The Italian isn't feeling well)
Zidane il a tapé (Zidane hit him)
L'arbitre l'a vu à la télé (The ref saw it all on TV)
Zidane il a frappé (Zidane struck him)
Mais la coupe on l'a ratée (And we lost the cup)
On a quand même bien rigolé (Nevertheless we had a good laugh)Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (Coup de boule!) 4x
Trezeguet n'a pas joué (Tray-zay-gay he didn't play)
Quand il a joué il a raté (When he played he failed)
Il a tout fait capoté (He totally fucked it up)
La coupe on l'a ratée (He lost the Cup)
Barthez n'a rien arreté (Barthez didn't stop a thing)
C'est pourtant pas compliqué (It's really not that complicated)
Les sponseurs sont tous fâchés (The sponsors are mad)
Mais Chirac a bien parlé (But Chirac said nice things)Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (Coup de boule!) 4x
Attention c'est la danse du Coup de Boule!
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à droite (head butt to the right)
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule à gauche (head butt to the left)
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule avant (head butt to the front)
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Coup de boule arrière (head butt to the back)
Coup de boule, coup de bouleEt maintenant penalty (And now the penalty)
Attention il va tirer (Watch out he's going to kick!)
un, deux, trois...c'est raté! (One, two three...he missed!)Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (4x)
On a quand meme bien rigolé (Nevertheless we had a good laugh)
Zidane et Trezeguet (Zidane and Trezeguet)
La coupe on l'a ratée (They lost the Cup)
Zidane et Trezeguet (2x)
Et Trezeguet...et Trezeguet...et Trezeguet guet guet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
et Trezeguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
et Trezeguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
et Trezeguet
Coup de boule, coup de boule
Hey, it's the dance hit of the summer, don't be left out!
I missed this - but now I am going to share with everyone - this is hilarious and thanks for the translation.
Posted by: Bookmole | 10/11/2006 at 10:04 AM