(From July 2005)
Cassandre has had one really wiggly tooth for months now. Finally today it came out - in a flourish of blood in the bread of her sandwich (so gross). It immediately fell into the grass at YMCA camp. One of her counselors searched for it on his hands and knees to find it for her. Those Y kids sure are nice - I can't say that I would have done the same thing in his place. I mean for my kid sure, but for someone else's? Hmmm, i can't say for sure about that.
She came home with the tooth carefully wrapped in gauze and asked "Mama, does the tooth fairy exist?"
In for a penny, in for a pound I say, and this lie is now well established at our house. "Yes" I say. "We have already proved that she exists, because she brings you money and leaves you little notes." I know, I'm really going too far with this. But she really wants to believe. And I love that she still lives in a world where this kind of stuff is still possible. So I will continue to aid and abet until caught or otherwise outed.
The best part is that tonight I got it right. No waiting too long. No forgetting about the tooth until 5am. It is officially 11pm and I have already written the note and placed it and the money under her pillow. I'm getting good at this.